Image: Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication

Fergal Lenehan has a new article, available at present as a pre-print open-access text, in the journal Language and Intercultural Communication. It’s called “Examining realised and unrealised contacts: theoretical thoughts on digital interculturality” and looks to set out a theoretical framework for a possible Digital Interculturality Studies. The article is the theoretical culmination of Fergal’s work in ReDICo and brings together a variety of theoretical strands, including postdigitality, platformisation, Jürgen Bolten’s concept of interculturality, agency theory and Foucaultian media archaeology. It lastly argues that a Digital Interculturality Studies should be centred on the materiality of contacts, exclusions and should also incorporate digital intercultural contacts which have not been realised or not allowed to be realised. A methodological sketch is proffered in relation to how this could be undertaken, combining a post-qualitative perspective with the philosophical area of counterfactual theories of causation. 

The article can be downloaded and read here.