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Culture, Cultural Identity, and Cultural Heritage in the Post-Digital Age
In: Muenstermann, I. (ed.): Belonging in Culturally Diverse Societies – Official Structures and Personal Customs. London: IntechOpen, p. 65-79.
Link to the text.
Examining realised and unrealised contacts: theoretical thoughts on digital interculturality
In: Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-15.
Link to the text.
(Un-)Sichtbarkeit von Race und Queerness in der diskriminierungsfreien Zukunftsutopie Star Treks
In: Kanzler, K. / Stoppe, S. (eds.): Star Trek: Gestern – Heute – Morgen: (Selbst-)Historisierung und Zukunftsvisionen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 119-144.
Link to the text.
“Our group was by far the coolest”: Multimodal team-building practices and English as a lingua franca in a virtual intercultural game
In: Pragmatics and Society.
Link to the text.
Postdigitality as Lifeworld Hybridity: A Discursive Essay
In: Popa / Goorts (eds.): Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity. Trier: WVT, 87-100.
Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt
Forum Angewandte Linguistik (F.A.L.), 70.
Link to the text.
Einführung: Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt
In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 9-20.
Link to the text.
Displaying and Negotiating Power through Entitlement Claims in Newly-Established International Online Groups
In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 35-66.
Link to the text.
Diskursive Herstellung von Identität und sozialer Kohäsion im virtuellen Raum
In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 215-242.
Link to the text.
Digitaler Europäismus: #DenkEuropaMit, @PulseOfEurope und europäisierte Referenzialität vor der Bundestagswahl 2021
In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 243-270.
Link to the text.
Heimat als Netzwerk. Wie sie erlebt wird und imaginiert werden kann
In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 271-304.
Link to the text.
Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams
In: Intercultural Pragmatics, 21(1), 1-32.
Link to the text.
Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities
Link to the text.
From Interculturality to Culturality: The Bridging Function of Postdigital Lifewide Learning
In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 19-25.
Link to the text.
Intercultural Learning as an Interactional Achievement in a Digital Space
In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 57-78.
Link to the text.
Learning About Colonialism by Scrolling?: The Twitter Thread as Lifewide Textual Offer and Cosmopolitan Potentiality
In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 79-101.
Link to the text.
Does Integration Still Take Place ‘at the Local Level’?: Challenging a German Integration Paradigm in a Postdigital World
In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 131-146.
Link to the text.
In German: Lietz / Loska: „Integration findet vor Ort statt.” Ein Integrationsparadigma auf dem (post-digitalen) Prüfstein. Link to the German version.
Buddy-Culture Goes Viral: Meaning and Potentiality of the Buddy-Approach in and Outside Formal Educational Settings
In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 147-168.
Link to the text.
English as a lingua franca and interculturality: navigating structure- and process-oriented perspectives in intercultural interactions
In: Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-13.
Link to the text.
Gerard Delanty (2009): The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory
In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 77-80.
Link to the text.
John W. Berry (1992): Akkulturationsstrategien
In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 31-35.
Link to the text.
John J. Gumperz (1982): Discourse Strategies
In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 12-15.
Link to the text.
Depicting European federalists in fiction: Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in Bernhard Setzwein’s Der böhmische Samurai (2017) and Heinrich Mann in Colm Tóibín’s The Magician (2021)
In: Journal of European Studies, 53(3), 215–233.
Link to the text.
Digital Europeanism and Extending the Literary Europeanist Discourse:
The Twitter Feeds of @PulseofEurope and @mycountryeurope
In: Journal of European Studies, 53 (2), 153-178.
Link to the text.
Systematic Vulnerabilization of Migrant Students. How the Dialogic Approach can clear the Way for a Change
In: Focus on International Migration, 10, 11-29.
Link to the text.
Tweeting the World a Better Place: Motivations and Values Underpinning the Creation of a Digital Cosmopolitan Persona
In: Persona Studies, 8 (3), 17-34.
Link to the text.
Editorial: Cyber-Utopia/Dystopia? Digital Interculturality between Cosmopolitan and Authoritarian Currents
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 5-12.
Link to the text.
Digital Cosmopolitan Flows in the Lifeworld: Categorizing the Labyrinth of Postdigital Cosmopolitanism
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 13-33.
Link to the text.
Falcon als Schwarzer Captain America – Diskussionen über Repräsentation und (Cyber-)Rassismus im Marvel-Universum
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 85-106.
Link to the text.
Nationalism Online: The Case of ‘El Paraiso Verde’, a Gated Community for Germans in Paraguay
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 151-168.
Link to the text.
Drohende Dystopie: Diskursive Bedrohungskonstruktionen auf Grund von Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie auf antifeministischen Webseiten
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 169-187.
Link to the text.
A Genuine ‘Miteinander’: On Becoming a Team in an International Virtual Simulation Game
In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 189-208.
Link to the text.
Caring and Power-Sharing: How Dialogue Influences Community Sustainability
In: Journal of Dialogue Studies, 9(1), 34-52.
Link to the text.
Online Resources
Podcast: Online community-building among the Nigerian LGBTQI+ community
ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 3
Link to the podcast.
Podcast: The Fundamental Error
ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 2
Link to the podcast.
Podcast: The Patchwork of Platforms
ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 1
Link to the podcast.
Digital Interculturality: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
In: Conference “ReDICo Encounters 2024: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Interculturality”
Link to the video.
The Cosmopolitan Promise of Translation Apps
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
“Why doesn’t Argentina have more Black Players?”: The Twitter Reaction to an Article Published in The Washington Post, Between Postcolonialism, Postmigratory Views and Racism Denial
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Navigating Digital Interculturality on Zoom: Duelling Between Interactional Practices and Assumptions of Ideal Intercultural Interactions in Search of “Intercultural Competence”
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Narratives, Participation and Social Media
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Unlikely Fraternities Between Argentina and Bangladesh: A Postcolonial and Postdigital Football Tale
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Internet History, Platform History & Platformisation: A Methodological Discussion
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Experiential Hermeneutics and Social Media: Facebook Comments and the German Newspaper Bild
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Educasts on Digital Cosmopolitanism
In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”
Link to the video.
Lifewide Learning – When Transcultural Learning Becomes Ubiquitous
In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”
Link to the presentation.
Learning by Scrolling? The Twitter Thread as Cosmopolitan Potentiality and Lifewide Informative Textual Offer
In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”
Link to the video.
Link to the presentation.
“Integration Takes Place On-Site” – An Integration Paradigm on the (Postdigital) Test Bench
In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”
Link to the video.
Link to the presentation.
Learning and Participation in the Online Intercultural Game Megacities
In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”
Link to the video.
Link to the presentation.
Postdigital Cosmopolitanism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
In: “Intercultural Lectures” Series, University of Limerick, Ireland/Online.
Cultural conceptualizations and conceptualizations of culture in an online simulation game
Identitätskonzepte und Heimatgefühle in einer (post-)digitalen Welt
In: Lecture Series “Digitale Lebenswelten. Politik – Medien – Kommunikation“, Hildesheim/Online, Germany.
Internationale virtuelle Zusammenarbeit. Wie entsteht ein echtes Miteinander?
Interkulturelle Studien und Internet Studien: Nebeneinander oder Miteinander?
Business English as a Lingua Franca in intercultural simulation games via Zoom: a case study
In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.
Diskursive Herstellung von Identität und Sozialer Kohäsion im virtuellen Raum
In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.
Heimat wird Netzwerk. Reflexionen über Diaspora-Gemeinschaften im postdigitalen Zeitalter
In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.
Intercultural Communications and Internet Studies: A Parallel Academic History, and the Need to Unite?
In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.
Language and power: reflections around dynamics of exclusion and self-exclusion in online role-playing games
In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.
The construction of (inter)culturality in simulated business communication online’
Introducing ReDICo – a joint project on ‘digital interculturality’
In: Research Exchange Workshop, Potsdam, Germany.
To what extent can post-digitality be understood as “life-world hybridity”?
In: International Conference „Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity“. Gießen, Germany/Online.
Opening a Global Conversation. Building Trust in Digital Intercultural Communities
In: Medialogues on Propaganda. Media Education Lab, Rhode Island (USA) und Würzburg, (Germany)/Online.
Dialogic dialogues? An analysis of on-line interactions transforming strangers into a community
The Transformative Aspect of Dialogue and Emerging Communities
In: Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities, Dialogue Society/Online.
Link to the video.
Digital Interculturality: A Digital Turn for Intercultural Communication Studies