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Culture, Cultural Identity, and Cultural Heritage in the Post-Digital Age

Conti, L. (2024)

In: Muenstermann, I. (ed.): Belonging in Culturally Diverse Societies – Official Structures and Personal Customs. London: IntechOpen, p. 65-79.

Link to the text.

Examining realised and unrealised contacts: theoretical thoughts on digital interculturality

Lenehan, F. (2024)

In: Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-15.

Link to the text.

(Un-)Sichtbarkeit von Race und Queerness in der diskriminierungsfreien Zukunftsutopie Star Treks

Lietz, R. / Strobl, N. (2024)

In: Kanzler, K. / Stoppe, S. (eds.): Star Trek: Gestern – Heute – Morgen: (Selbst-)Historisierung und Zukunftsvisionen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 119-144.

Link to the text.

“Our group was by far the coolest”: Multimodal team-building practices and English as a lingua franca in a virtual intercultural game

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Räisänen, T. / Oittinen, T. (2024)

In: Pragmatics and Society.

Link to the text.

Postdigitality as Lifeworld Hybridity: A Discursive Essay

Conti, L. / Lenehan, F. / Lietz, R. (2024)

In: Popa / Goorts (eds.): Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity. Trier: WVT, 87-100.

Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt

Lietz, R. / Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Conti, L. / Lenehan, F. (Hrsg.) (2024)

Forum Angewandte Linguistik (F.A.L.), 70.

Link to the text.

Einführung: Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Lietz, R. (2024)

In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 9-20.

Link to the text.

Displaying and Negotiating Power through Entitlement Claims in Newly-Established International Online Groups

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Conti, L. (2024)

In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 35-66.

Link to the text.

Diskursive Herstellung von Identität und sozialer Kohäsion im virtuellen Raum

Lietz, R. (2024)

In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 215-242.

Link to the text.

Digitaler Europäismus: #DenkEuropaMit, @PulseOfEurope und europäisierte Referenzialität vor der Bundestagswahl 2021

Lenehan, F. (2024)

In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 243-270.

Link to the text.

Heimat als Netzwerk. Wie sie erlebt wird und imaginiert werden kann

Conti, L. (2024)

In: Lietz / Mendes de Oliveira / Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt; F.A.L. 70, 271-304.

Link to the text.

Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Stevanovic, M. (2024)

In: Intercultural Pragmatics, 21(1), 1-32.

Link to the text.

Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities

Conti, L. / Lenehan, F. (eds.) (2024)

Link to the text.

From Interculturality to Culturality: The Bridging Function of Postdigital Lifewide Learning

Conti, L. (2024)

In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 19-25.

Link to the text.

Intercultural Learning as an Interactional Achievement in a Digital Space

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Tuccillo, M. A. (2024)

In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 57-78.

Link to the text.

Learning About Colonialism by Scrolling?: The Twitter Thread as Lifewide Textual Offer and Cosmopolitan Potentiality

Lenehan, F. (2024)

In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 79-101.

Link to the text.

Does Integration Still Take Place ‘at the Local Level’?: Challenging a German Integration Paradigm in a Postdigital World

Lietz, R. / Loska, M. (2024)

In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 131-146.

Link to the text.

In German: Lietz / Loska: „Integration findet vor Ort statt.” Ein Integrationsparadigma auf dem (post-digitalen) Prüfstein. Link to the German version.

Buddy-Culture Goes Viral: Meaning and Potentiality of the Buddy-Approach in and Outside Formal Educational Settings

Conti, L. / Darmanin, J. / Fenech, C. / Räthel, K. (2024)

In: Conti / Lenehan (eds.): Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, Bielefeld: transcript, 147-168.

Link to the text.

English as a lingua franca and interculturality: navigating structure- and process-oriented perspectives in intercultural interactions

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (2023)

In: Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-13.

Link to the text.

Gerard Delanty (2009): The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory

Lenehan, F. (2023)

In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 77-80.

Link to the text.

John W. Berry (1992): Akkulturationsstrategien

Lietz, R. (2023)

In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 31-35.

Link to the text.

John J. Gumperz (1982): Discourse Strategies

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (2023)

In: Interculture Journal, 22(38), 12-15.

Link to the text.

Depicting European federalists in fiction: Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in Bernhard Setzwein’s Der böhmische Samurai (2017) and Heinrich Mann in Colm Tóibín’s The Magician (2021)

Lenehan, F. (2023)

In: Journal of European Studies, 53(3), 215–233.

Link to the text.

Digital Europeanism and Extending the Literary Europeanist Discourse:
The Twitter Feeds of @PulseofEurope and @mycountryeurope

Lenehan, F. / Lietz, R. (2023)

In: Journal of European Studies, 53 (2), 153-178.

Link to the text.

Systematic Vulnerabilization of Migrant Students. How the Dialogic Approach can clear the Way for a Change

Conti, L. (2023)

In: Focus on International Migration, 10, 11-29.

Link to the text.

Tweeting the World a Better Place: Motivations and Values Underpinning the Creation of a Digital Cosmopolitan Persona

Lietz, R. / Lenehan, F. (2023)

In: Persona Studies, (3), 17-34.

Link to the text.

Cyber-Utopia/Dystopia? Digital Interculturality between Cosmopolitan and Authoritarian Currents

Lenehan, F. / Conti, L. / Lietz, R. / Mendes de Oliveira, M. (Hrsg.) (2022)

Interculture Journal, 21 (36).

Link to the full volume and download.

Editorial: Cyber-Utopia/Dystopia? Digital Interculturality between Cosmopolitan and Authoritarian Currents

Lenehan, F. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 5-12.

Link to the text.

Digital Cosmopolitan Flows in the Lifeworld: Categorizing the Labyrinth of Postdigital Cosmopolitanism

Lenehan, F. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 13-33.

Link to the text.

Falcon als Schwarzer Captain America – Diskussionen über Repräsentation und (Cyber-)Rassismus im Marvel-Universum

Biskamp, J. / Lietz, R. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 85-106.

Link to the text.

Nationalism Online: The Case of ‘El Paraiso Verde’, a Gated Community for Germans in Paraguay

Pereyra, C. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 151-168.

Link to the text.

Drohende Dystopie: Diskursive Bedrohungskonstruktionen auf Grund von Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Covid-19-Pandemie auf antifeministischen Webseiten

Jugenheimer, A. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 169-187.

Link to the text.

A Genuine ‘Miteinander’: On Becoming a Team in an International Virtual Simulation Game

Conti, L. / Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Nietzel, B. (2022)

In: Interculture Journal, 21 (36), 189-208.

Link to the text.

Caring and Power-Sharing: How Dialogue Influences Community Sustainability

Conti, L. (2021)

In: Journal of Dialogue Studies, 9(1), 34-52.

Link to the text.

Online Resources

Podcast: Online community-building among the Nigerian LGBTQI+ community

Anna Finzel & Bisi Alimi (11. November 2024)

ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 3

Link to the podcast.

Podcast: The Fundamental Error

Luisa Conti & Roman Lietz (10. November 2024)

ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 2

Link to the podcast.

Podcast: The Patchwork of Platforms

Fergal Lenehan & Yolanda López García (9. November 2024)

ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality; Series 1 – Episode 1

Link to the podcast.

Educast: Language and Power in Remote Teams

Milene Mendes de Oliveira (2023)

ReDICo Educasts #04

Link to the educast (YouTube)

Educast: What impacts personal engagement?

Luisa Conti (2023)

ReDICo Educasts #03

Link to the educast (YouTube)

Educast: Cosmopolitan Social Media Engagement

Roman Lietz (2023)

ReDICo Educasts #02

Link to the educast (YouTube)

Educast: What is Postdigital Cosmopolitanism?

Fergal Lenehan (2023)

ReDICo Educasts #01

Link to the educast (YouTube)


Digital Interculturality: Taking Stock and Looking Forward

Conti / Lenehan / Lietz / Mendes (22. March 2024)

In: Conference “ReDICo Encounters 2024: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digital Interculturality”

Link to the video.

The Cosmopolitan Promise of Translation Apps

Meyer, B. / Lietz, R. (7. July 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

“Why doesn’t Argentina have more Black Players?”: The Twitter Reaction to an Article Published in The Washington Post, Between Postcolonialism, Postmigratory Views and Racism Denial

Pereyra, C. (7. July 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Navigating Digital Interculturality on Zoom: Duelling Between Interactional Practices and Assumptions of Ideal Intercultural Interactions in Search of “Intercultural Competence”

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (6. July 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Narratives, Participation and Social Media

Nguyen, H. V. (6. July 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Unlikely Fraternities Between Argentina and Bangladesh: A Postcolonial and Postdigital Football Tale

Lietz, R. / Pereyra, C. (6. July 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Internet History, Platform History & Platformisation: A Methodological Discussion

Lenehan, F. (30. June 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Experiential Hermeneutics and Social Media: Facebook Comments and the German Newspaper Bild

Conti, L. / Lenehan, F. (30. June 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Educasts on Digital Cosmopolitanism

Lietz, R. (29. June 2023)

In: Conference “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”

Link to the video.

Lifewide Learning – When Transcultural Learning Becomes Ubiquitous

Conti, L. (01. July 2022)

In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”

Link to the presentation.

Learning by Scrolling? The Twitter Thread as Cosmopolitan Potentiality and Lifewide Informative Textual Offer

Lenehan, F. (29. June 2022)

In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”

Link to the video.

Link to the presentation.

“Integration Takes Place On-Site” – An Integration Paradigm on the (Postdigital) Test Bench

Lietz, R. / Loska, M. (29. June 2022)

In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”

Link to the video.

Link to the presentation.

Learning and Participation in the Online Intercultural Game Megacities

Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Tuccillo, M. A. (29. June 2022)

In: Conference “Lifewide Learning: Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies”

Link to the video.

Link to the presentation.

Postdigital Cosmopolitanism: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives

Lenehan, F. / Lietz, R.  (24. March 2022)

In: “Intercultural Lectures” Series, University of Limerick, Ireland/Online.

Cultural conceptualizations and conceptualizations of culture in an online simulation game

Mendes de Oliveira, M.  (10. March 2022)

In: MetView 4 (“Metaphor Variation in Englishes around the World”), Landau, Germany.

Identitätskonzepte und Heimatgefühle in einer (post-)digitalen Welt

Conti, L. (11. January 2022)

In: Lecture Series “Digitale Lebenswelten. Politik – Medien – Kommunikation“, Hildesheim/Online, Germany.

Internationale virtuelle Zusammenarbeit. Wie entsteht ein echtes Miteinander?

Conti, L. /Mendes de Oliveira, M. /Nietzel, B. (20. September 2021)

Interkulturelle Studien und Internet Studien: Nebeneinander oder Miteinander?

Lenehan, F. /Lietz R. (20. September 2021)

Business English as a Lingua Franca in intercultural simulation games via Zoom: a case study

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (15.-17. September 2021)

In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.

Diskursive Herstellung von Identität und Sozialer Kohäsion im virtuellen Raum

Lietz, R. (15.-17. September 2021)

In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.

Heimat wird Netzwerk. Reflexionen über Diaspora-Gemeinschaften im postdigitalen Zeitalter

Conti, L. (15.-17. September 2021)

In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.

Intercultural Communications and Internet Studies: A Parallel Academic History, and the Need to Unite?

Lenehan, F. (15.-17. September 2021)

In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.

Language and power: reflections around dynamics of exclusion and self-exclusion in online role-playing games

Conti, L. /Mendes de Oliveira, M. (15.-17. September 2021)

In: GAL 2021 Sektionentagung, Würzburg, Germany.

The construction of (inter)culturality in simulated business communication online’

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (15.-20. August 2021)

Introducing ReDICo – a joint project on ‘digital interculturality’

Mendes de Oliveira, M. (09. July 2021)

In: Research Exchange Workshop, Potsdam, Germany.

To what extent can post-digitality be understood as “life-world hybridity”?

Conti, L. / Lenehan, F. / Lietz, R. (23. June 2021)

In: International Conference „Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity“. Gießen, Germany/Online.

Opening a Global Conversation. Building Trust in Digital Intercultural Communities

Conti, L. (22. June 2021)

In: Medialogues on Propaganda. Media Education Lab, Rhode Island (USA) und Würzburg, (Germany)/Online.

Dialogic dialogues? An analysis of on-line interactions transforming strangers into a community

Conti, L. (16. June 2021)

In: Academic Workshop: Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities, London/Online.

The Transformative Aspect of Dialogue and Emerging Communities

Conti, L. (16. June 2022)

In: Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities, Dialogue Society/Online.

Link to the video.

Digital Interculturality: A Digital Turn for Intercultural Communication Studies

Lenehan, F. / Mendes de Oliveira, M. / Conti, L. / Lietz, R. (26. November 2020)

In: Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC). 20th Anniversary Online Symposium: Issues, Controversies and Difficult Questions.

ReDICo is a joint project of the universities

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