The University of Potsdam, which is the largest university in the federal state of Brandenburg with more than 8,000 employees, is well positioned on a national and international level in terms of both research and teaching. The ReDICo-Uni Potsdam sub-project “Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence” – based at the Department of English and American Studies, in the Faculty of Philosophy – focused on how digital streams of communication open up the wider plurality of the English language, as well as new possibilities for the creation of intercultural competence.
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Do you want to get to know the whole team?

Milene Mendes de Oliveira
Uni Potsdam researcher looking at different aspects of Digital Interculturality and English as a Lingua Franca in online communication, mother of 2, Brazilian. A believer in the power of information AND kindness.
Twitter @MileneMendesde1
Read more about Milene
Dr. Milene Mendes de Oliveira is a researcher and linguist who has been involved in the study of interculturality from an applied linguistic perspective since her MA studies in Brazil. She acquired her PhD from the University of Potsdam, where she studied business negotiations in English as a lingua franca and published a book entitled ‘Business negotiations in ELF from a cultural linguistic perspective’ in the series Applications of Cognitive Linguistics, from De Gruyter. Her current work revolves around the online use of English as a Lingua Franca.
Former team members

Anna Finzel
Sociolinguist, has done research on language, gender and sexuality and on cultural conceptualisations in varieties of English. Likes to dive into new cultural contexts and fancies useless fun facts. Is convinced that fun facts, too, are useful. Passionate disc golfer.
Read more about Anna
Anna Finzel studied English/American and Spanish studies at the University of Potsdam, where she also acquired her PhD at the chair of development and variation of the English language. Study and research stays led her to England, Argentina, Hong Kong, Nigeria and India. Anna’s publications include works on cultural models and conceptualisations, especially in Indian and Nigerian English, on questions regarding gender and sexuality, as well as on Cognitive Contact Linguistics und multimodality. Her monography Cultural models of gender and homosexuality in Indian and Nigerian English will be published soon.

Mario Antonio Tuccillo
He/him. Master‘s student of Linguistics. Explorer of different aspects of sociolinguistics, multilingualism and language change. Appreciator of arts. Passionate about drama films and music.

Jennifer Bartelheim
Master’s student of Spanish and English linguistics. Enthusiastic about internationalization in higher education. Learning through experience.

Alexandra Borschke
Happy whippet mama, who is passionate about languages, cultures, and long-distance running.

Kirsten Ulbrich
Booklover who is passionate about communication, culture, photography, and horseback riding.

Liyan Zhenglan
Taking on the journey to explore the realm of linguistics. Keen on reading, music and cooking, these activities are inextricable part of my leisure time.

Meike Meyering
Master’s student of linguistics. Enthusiastic gardener and animal lover. Passionate and serious Foodsaver.