Image: transcript / ReDICo

We are very pleased to announce the open access publication of our new ReDICo e-book, entitled Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism: Perspectives from a Postmigrant and Postdigital World. This is the second anthology in the series Studies in Digital Intercultuality (transcript) launched by the ReDICo research co-operative.

Following the successful two-week ReDICo online conference entitled “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond” (June/July 2023) the editors, Fergal Lenehan and Roman Lietz, have now brought together a selection of contributions, covering 370 pages. The book highlights both theoretical-analytical approaches to the fusion of cosmopolitanism, postmigration and postdigitality, as well as a range of varied empirical approaches to the field. International authors from various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, such as cultural studies, linguistics, internet studies, translation studies, post-colonial studies and, of course, intercultural studies, provide cutting edge argumentation. Included, for example, are contributions from the social theorist Gerard Delanty and the media studies scholar Alexa Robertson. 

Bibliographical Data: Lenehan, Fergal and Lietz, Roman (eds.). 2025. Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism: Perspectives from a Postmigrant and Postdigital World. Bielefeld: transcript.

Link to the download (open access)